THINK! summer drink drive campaign kicks off today

12.00 | 10 June 2016 | | 1 comment

The 2016 THINK! summer drink drive campaign kicked off last week (10 June) with a burst of activity timed to coincide with the Euro 2016 football tournament.

The 2016 summer campaign comprises elements – one now, followed by social media activity in July-August for which THINK! will be enlisting the support of a number of sporting icons.

The Euro campaign features a re-run of the #ButAlive ads which formed the basis of the 2015 THINK! festive drink drive campaign.

#ButAlive targets men aged 17-34 years and compares the devastating consequences of drink driving with the positive result of saying ‘no’ – staying alive.

The campaign is based on research which showed that young male drivers are often confused by the legal limit, and therefore set their own limit of ‘a couple’ of drinks before driving.

As they did not consider their behaviour to be drink driving, the previous THINK! campaign message, ‘don’t drink and drive’, was perceived as irrelevant by them.

#ButAlive sets out to shake confidence in the belief that it is safe to drive after a couple of drinks, using the message: ‘A second drink could double your chance of being in a fatal collision’.

Evaluation following the Christmas #ButAlive campaign showed a decline in the perceived safety of driving after one and two drinks; and an increase in the proportion of young men ‘strongly agreeing’ you could be a drink driver after two drinks. Perceived prevalence and social unacceptability of driving after one drink remained unchanged.

THINK! says the results show that #ButAlive ‘had a positive impact’.

The EURO 2016 campaign includes a re-run of the #ButAlive adverts on TV, radio and catch up TV – along with new content for social media relating to drink driving, football and ‘the morning after’.

The campaign will focus on the morning after England and Wales’ midweek matches on Thursday 16 and Monday 20 June.

There are two new posters available free of charge for road safety teams, along with resources for use on social media.

A full campaign toolkit and briefing note is available from the members’ area on this website.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I whole heartedly agree with the principle of the road safety message “if you drink, don’t drive”. AND I also agree with this campaign message which recognises that “stop at one drink” will reach an additional sector of drivers that the primary message fails to. Good to have some reality in the DfT’s communications.

      Pat, Wales
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