THINK! teams up with clubs to lead the line

11.23 | 22 November 2010 | | 1 comment

The THINK! campaign and four high profile football clubs have teamed up in an innovative new partnership, launched by the road safety minister Mike Penning.

Blackburn Rovers, Sunderland, West Bromwich Albion and Leeds United will be helping six to 11 year-olds learn how to ‘find safe places to cross the road’.

The clubs will use THINK!’s ‘safe place to cross’ toolkit, which contains activity sheets, posters, booklets, reflectors and playing cards. The materials also cover the ‘Stop, Look and Listen’ and ‘Be Bright Be Seen’ messages from the Green Cross Code.

The clubs taking part in this new pilot project are all based in regions where there are higher than average casualty numbers for children aged six to 11 years. Local road safety officers will be supporting the campaign.

Click here to view the press notice, including a quote from Mike Penning.


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      Wouldn’t it be better to use the word ‘Safer’ rather than ‘safe’? Zebra, pelican and other crossings are not magically safe and still require the ‘green cross code’ to be employed. They can be SAFER but are never totally SAFE.

      Iain, Suffolk
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