Time is right to cut drink-drive limit

00.00 | 30 November 2011 |

LARSOA has once again called on the government to cut the drink-drive limit, in the wake of the festive drink drive figures released last week.

While welcoming the increase in the number of drivers breathalysed over the festive period, LARSOA is concerned that the number testing positive remained largely unchanged from the previous year.

Of the 183,397 drivers tested in 2008, 9148 (4.99%) either tested positive or refused to supply a sample of breath. In 2007 from the 158,061 drivers tested 7913 tested positive (5.01%).

The Association says this points to a lack of understanding of the current drink-drive limit, and the fact that a hardcore minority of people are continuing to knowingly drink above the limit and get behind the wheel.

LARSOA believes that the limit should be cut from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to 50mg, which would send a clear message that it is not acceptable to drink and drive.

Alan Kennedy, vice-chair, said: “The reduction in the number of people caught drink driving is encouraging, but we feel there is still lots more that could be done – starting with a reduction in the drink-drive limit.

“The latest government figures show that in 2007 more than 2,000 people were seriously injured as a result of drink-driving, and 460 were killed.

“LARSOA believes that the only safe way to drive is with no known alcohol in the blood. Lowering the legal limit to 50mg would send out a clear, strong message that it is totally unacceptable to put lives at risk by driving under the influence of alcohol.”

Click here to read the full LARSOA press release.


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