TRL seeks assistance with older drivers’ project

12.00 | 2 November 2012 | | 3 comments

TRL is asking for assistance from road safey professionals with a project relating to older drivers that it is carrying out on behalf of the RAC Foundation.

TRL has been commissioned by the RAC Foundation to produce a summary of current knowledge on the potential, and limitations, of self-assessment tools for older drivers. The project follows on from the Foundation’s earlier review on maintaining older drivers’ safe mobility.

This new study will explore the role of self-assessment tools in supporting older drivers’ self-regulation. The Foundation and TRL are seeking any information on self-assessment tools for older drivers, with a particular emphasis on computer-based and web-based self-assessments.

In a open letter to the road safety profession, TRL says: “We are interested in information on any self-assessment tool, including paper-and-pencil, computer-based or web-based self-assessment tools that you are aware of, including published literature, grey literature and sales brochures for available tools.

“We have developed a short questionnaire that facilitates the provision of information on any tool that you are aware of. In addition to any information you provide in the questionnaire, we would be most grateful if you could share with us copies of reports, papers, brochures or any other information on available self-assessment tools for older drivers.

“We offer to send you an electronic copy of the final report on self-assessment tools once the review has been completed and will provide acknowledgements in the text as appropriate.”

For more information about the project, and/or a copy of the questionnaire, contact Britta Lang at TRL on 01344 770024.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Thanks for the above comments. These are very helpful. We have made contact with the SAMERU partners and are awaiting a response. With regard to the definition of older drivers, this is an important point. We have left the definition broad at this stage to encourage a wide as response as possible. The intention is to have a section addressing definition(and the differences between countries and programmes)within the final report. Thanks again for these useful comments.

      Elizabeth Box, RAC Foundation
      Agree (0) | Disagree (0)

      The EU has invested in the SAMERU project. I suggest RAC/TRL contact SAMERU partners.

      pete, liverpool
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      It might be useful if “older drivers” were defined. Do the RAC Foundation (and TRL) mean, say, over 60? And do they really mean motorists rather than drivers (to include motorcyclists)?

      Dave Finney – Slough
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