Tufty moves with the times

12.52 | 25 November 2010 | | 1 comment

Tufty, the road safety squirrel, who has been giving children road safety advice since 1953, is now online.

 Tufty is used by a band of ladies known to children as Mrs Tufty, who teach road safety in reception, year 1 and year 2 classes across Gwent.

 The modern-day Tufty also has his own internet pages with topical road safety advice, stories, songs and competitions.

Parents can enrol their children in the Tufty Club and order a range of road safety story books and low cost hi visibility items for their children.

Tufty Fluffytail was born in 1953. Original stories for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) featured the squirrel and his friends introducing clear road safety messages for children.

The Tufty Club was set up as a nationwide network of local groups in 1961, and at its peak there were 24,500 registered Tufty Clubs.

Click here to find out more about Tufty online.


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      There is a rumour that this scheme is being cut due to lack of funding. If this is true the local authority should hang its head in shame. This worthwhile provision is a tradition that I enjoyed when I was a child and is something my children have enjoyed too. Please tell me that this essential tuition service is not under threat from our local authority.

      Lesley Price
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