UK company develops safety strap for young children

10.37 | 29 January 2010 | | 1 comment

A UK company has produced a strap designed to enhance the safety of young children while out in a group.

The TagStrap is a UK designed and manufactured safety strap to assist in the safe transportation of up to 20 nursery and primary aged children, while away from the main school.

It is suitable for nursery children on excursions, school outings, toddler groups, camps, day care centres and special needs children.

The Tag Strap enables the teacher/adult to feel if a child is trying to pull away from the line. The child will also have difficulty in pulling out of line due to the weight of the child in front or behind.

The idea is to stop or delay a child from moving out into the road or any other dangerous area, while giving a warning to the adult that a child is moving out of line.
For more information contact Ross Taylor on 01983 618187 or visit:



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      How ridiculous. Tying 20 children together will not teach them anything about roadsafety and will be dangerous if one of them falls over.

      Emma Downey, Bristol
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