Students at Aylesbury College have been given a very visible reminder of what can happen if they are involved in a car crash.
A publicity event at the college involving Buckinghamshire’s road safety team, Buckinghamshire Fire & Rescue and Thames Valley Police was staged as part of the annual For my girlfriend (FMG) campaign. Romance was the theme for the day with free beauty makeovers, chocolates and goody bags.
The highlight was a make over for two girls, conducted behind screens. One girl was made up by students from the college and the other by the Casualty Union.
One face represented the way most girls would like to look on a night out – and the other how they may look if they were involved in a car crash. It was a very visible reminder that drivers need to take responsibility for their passengers – or someone may have to live with a permanent reminder of the evening.
Valerie Letheren, cabinet member for transportation, said: “This is the sixth year we’ve supported ‘For My Girlfriend’, and schools and colleges have been very supportive, distributing cards to students and displaying posters.”
For further information, or to view the campaign film, go to:
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