Welsh campaign detects 900 mobile phone offenders

12.00 | 19 November 2014 | | 2 comments

More than 900 motorists were caught using their mobile phones while driving during a two-week All-Wales enforcement campaign last month (9-17 Oct).

The campaign urged all road users to ‘keep their eyes on the road’ and not be distracted by answering their mobile phone, reading a text or going online.

Officers from all four Welsh police forces carried out proactive patrols to target motorists using their phones, and educate drivers on the penalties they face if caught.

Go Safe camera vans were used to enforce mobile phone offences and the North Wales Roads Policing Unit used a HGV cab to identify offenders.

Across Wales, police officers detected a total of 914 mobile phone related driving offences.

Chief inspector Darren Wareing, North Wales Police Roads Policing Unit, said: “Along with drink driving, speeding, not wearing a seatbelt and driving carelessly, using a mobile phone behind the wheel is classed as one of the "Fatal 5"; the 5 most common causes of fatal road traffic collisions.

“With the increased use of smart phones we are seeing drivers being distracted whilst accessing their apps, reading their emails or accessing the internet. Drivers need to be aware that these actions carry the same danger and the same penalty.”

Susan Storch, chair of Road Safety Wales, added: "While it’s saddening to see so many motorists got caught using a mobile phone whilst driving, it has also demonstrated the resolve of all the Road Safety Wales’ partners in tackling this issue.

“We will continue to work together to drive home the message that you need to switch off before you drive off."

During the two-week campaign officers also detected other offences whilst carrying out checks – including 113 offences of speeding, 64 offences of failing to wear a seatbelt, five offences of no insurance, four disqualified drivers and 31 arrests for drink/drug driving offences.


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    And we all know that is just the tip of the iceberg….But a Titanic effort by the police.

    Olly, Lancs
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    Readers may like to view on BBC i-player, The One Show episode originally broadcast on 11/11/14 which included a filmed report on this exercise carried out by North Wales Police. The offender interviewed at roughly 06:35mins makes particularly interesting viewing. He acknowledged it was an offence and the reason why, but still complained at being caught and prosecuted!

    Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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