Welsh drink/drug campaign results unveiled

12.00 | 13 August 2014 | | 1 comment

2.3% of drivers who were breathalysed tested positive in the 2014 All Wales Summer Anti Drink/Drugs Driving Campaign, compared with 6.5% of those in England.

During the month-long Welsh campaign (1-30 June), a total of 15,485 breath tests were administered, of which 358 (2.3%) tested positive. In England the numbers were 63,688 and 4,108 (6.5%) respectively.

The figures for the four Welsh police force areas were: South Wales Police administered 2,248 tests, of which 144 (6.4%) tested positive; North Wales Police carried out 6,351 tests, which resulted in 94 (1.5 %) positive results; in Dyfed-Powys Police area 5,535 tests were conducted with a 88 (1.6%) testing positive; and Gwent Police conducted 1,351 tests with 32 (2.4%) positive results.

Assistant chief constable Jon Stratford, South Wales Police, said: “The four Welsh forces have been increasing the pressure this summer to deter people from driving while under the influence of alcohol and drugs – especially late into the night during warm summer evenings.

“Although a total of 358 arrests for drink and drug related offences during this campaign is alarming, it highlights our collaborative commitment to educate motorists and enforce the law.

“These results demonstrate how necessary it is for us and our partners to continue to work together in educating drivers on the dangers of consuming alcohol and/or taking drugs and then driving.”


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      There has been a similar pattern of South Wales police doing fewer tests and getting more positive results. What is not clear is if this is more drunk driving or better targeting.

      Mark, Caerphilly
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