The organisers of Young Driver Focus have issued a call for papers from road safety professionals and others interested in presenting at the 2017 conference.
Launched earlier this month, Young Driver Focus 2017 will be held on Wednesday 26 April 2017 at the prestigious Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London.
Young Driver Focus is jointly organised by Road Safety GB, FirstCar and the RAC Foundation and in 2017 will once again be sponsored by the young driver insurer, ingenie.
Now in its fourth year, the one-day conference examines current and future thinking with regard to the challenge of reducing crashes and casualties caused by the high-risk young drivers. It is intended to be of interest to both private and public sector road safety professionals.
The conference team is currently looking at topics and themes and is aiming to publish an outline agenda by late October.
Nick Rawlings, who is coordinating the conference programme, said: “We are interested to hear from road safety professionals who are involved in the development and delivery of innovative interventions designed to reduce casualties involving young drivers.
“We are particularly keen to hear about evidence-based interventions backed by robust evaluation, or a clear plan showing how the scheme will be evaluated if it is not yet at the stage where a full evaluation has been carried out.”
Anyone interested in speaking at the event, or finding out more, should contact Nick Rawlings by email or on 01379 650112.
The ‘early bird’ fee to attend Young Driver Focus 2017 is £100 plus VAT for the first 50 Road Safety GB and Academy members to register. The fee for others from the public sector is £125 and for other attendees £175 (both plus VAT).
Young Driver Focus 2016 sold out well in advance and with a limit of 200 places the 2017 event is once again expected to be fully subscribed.
Click here for full delegate pricing or to register to attend, or for more information contact Sally Bartrum by email or on 01379 650112.
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