With a little over two-months until the event, the speaker lineup for Young Driver Focus 2016 is almost complete.
Young Driver Focus 2016 is being held at the RAC Club in London’s Pall Mall, courtesy of the RAC Foundation, on Wednesday 20 April 2016.
The event is organised by Road Safety GB in partnership with FirstCar and in association with ingenie. It is sponsored by the MIB and supported by stakeholders including the DfT, Road Safety Scotland, RoadSafe, RoSPA, PACTS and IAM.
The latest confirmed speaker is Christina Brown, RoSPA’s road safety evaluation officer.
Christina is an experienced research and evaluation professional who holds a Masters of Research in Psychology. Prior to working at RoSPA she conducted numerous research and evaluation projects within the energy and medical sectors.
Within RoSPA, Christina supports those working in road safety to conduct their own evaluation projects, primarily through the E-valu-it toolkit but also through evaluation training and individual project advice.
Christina also leads RoSPA’s independent evaluation consultancy, conducting independent evaluation projects on behalf of road safety professionals.
Christina’s presentation will outline the importance of evaluation, using a case study of an evaluation RoSPA recently completed of Derby and Derbyshire Road Safety Partnership’s young driver education programme.
Attending Young Driver Focus
More than 150 people have already registered to attend Young Driver Focus 2016. The venue has a capacity of around 200 and the event is expected to be fully subscribed. The delegate fee for Road Safety GB and Academy members is just £100 and for other attendees £150 (both prices plus VAT).
Click here to register to attend, or here for information about exhibiting alongside the conference. Alternatively, for more information contact Sally Bartrum (delegate registration), Nick Rawlings (agenda & speakers) or Richard Storrs (exhibition).
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