A group of young riders have taken part in a cycle safety awareness event following a serious collision that involved a boy in the village of Bicknacre in Essex.
More than 50 cyclists took part in a group ride in Chelmsford on 20 December.
The event was set up to show the importance of wearing a cycle helmet helmet, using the message ‘no helmet, no ride’.
It followed a collision on the morning of 28 November involving 13-year-old Toby Restall who was delivering papers.
A white van collided with Toby on a dark and rainy morning, who at the time was not wearing high visibility clothing or a cycle helmet.
He spent three weeks in hospital before being discharged, and is currently relying on a wheelchair to get around as he recovers.
Claire Restall, Toby’s mother, said: “We wouldn’t wish this experience on any parent, it was our worst nightmare.
“That morning in his enthusiasm to do his paper round to help buy a new bike, Toby forgot to wear his helmet.
“He suffered serious injuries, some of which could have been less serious with the right clothing or equipment.
“Toby now knows the importance of riding safe and he knows how lucky he has been.
“With the amazing support of the emergency services, hospital and local community in Bicknacre, he is making a remarkable recovery.”
PC Alan Lamb, Essex Police, said: “Hopefully Toby and the young riders who turned out to support the event now know the importance of wearing a helmet before getting on their bikes.
“They truly are life savers.”
The wearing of safety helmets is a contentious issue as its not supported by some with apparently greater knowledge, that by the mere wearing of helmets it would act as deterrent to the increases that some would wish to see occur. Perhaps due to some financial consideration for themselves, maybe. I just don’t know.
Interesting that not all the cyclists are wearing cycling helmets, do they really get the message.
Toby Long, Aylesbury