Safer Roads Greater Manchester has launched an ‘innovative’ campaign offering a new perspective on the dangers of driving after drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
‘Your Car Can’t Say No’ is a warning that there is no safe level of drinking or drug use when driving, and that getting behind the wheel while under the influence means there is an increased likelihood of being in a collision which can have serious – and potentially fatal – consequences.
The campaign is driven by a series of videos showing three seemingly sober people approaching their car in human form, which begins to have a back-and-forth conversation with their driver and advises them against driving.
Each person ignores their car’s advice and ‘gets behind the wheel’ by hopping on their back before suddenly being brought back to reality having crashed their car, without realising how drunk they are – even the morning after drinking or taking drugs.
It is not possible to say how much alcohol you can drink and stay below the limit, so Safer Roads Greater Manchester (SRGM) strongly recommends having none for the road.
It says the way alcohol affects an individual depends on the type and amount of alcohol they’re drinking, what they’ve eaten recently, stress levels at the time, weight, height and so on. The same applies for legal and illegal drugs.
Peter Boulton, Transport for Greater Manchester’s head of highways, said: “Anyone who decides to drive after drinking or taking drugs must be prepared for the consequences that follow. They are putting themselves and others in danger, and also risk ending up with a criminal record, a driving ban or a prison sentence.
“While some of the videos we are sharing as part of the Your Car Can’t Say No campaign are intentionally light-hearted, the issue at their centre is a really serious one. Each of the drivers shown in the videos are confronted with the reality of the consequences of their actions.
“I hope this campaign encourages people thinking of having a drink to leave their car at home and stay safe because the likelihood of getting caught, or causing real harm to themselves and others, are high, and the risks are simply not worthwhile.”
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