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      Goodness me, can’t agree at all with helmets being a choice. Helmets, like seatbelts, are life savers and must be mandatory (as should bicycle helmets). What a pity the MAG takes this view because it undermines their credibility. Having said that, it seems they’ve certainly got their work cut out trying to influence motorcycle policy in the UK government which seems to be actively excluding riders from any meaningful input, and thereby continuing to negatively impact safety outcomes.

      Susan, Melbourne
      Agree (2) | Disagree (1)

      Very nice to hear someone who understands motorcycles and speaks out for them. Very good points brought to light by Colin Brown, hope others listen. Motorcycling is an accepted form of transport all around the world but in the UK suffers from ‘if we look the other way they will go away’. We will not. Hope a lot of people listen to this.

      Julian Quinton, Chatham
      Agree (6) | Disagree (0)

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