Behavioural Change Course – new dates and venues confirmed

09.00 | 16 March 2018 | | 4 comments

Following a period where demand outstripped supply, Road Safety GB Academy has unveiled a series of new dates for its Behavioural Change Course to be held at five locations across the country.

The Academy’s Behavioural Change Course covers: understanding road user behaviour; behavioural models; behavioural change techniques and behavioural insights; mapping behaviours; and developing interventions using behavioural models and change techniques.

In January it was announced that the course has been recognised as suitable for trainers wishing to deliver NDORS courses.

At the time of the announcement, Sonya Hurt, (right) chair of Road Safety GB, said: “Our Behavioural Change Course will contribute to equipping NDORS’ instructors and trainers with the skills and tools to encourage behaviour change review among course attendees.”

The dates and locations for the six Behavioural Change Courses already confirmed for 2018 are:

11-12 April • Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire
Hosted by Cambridgeshire Fire & Rescue Service
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3-4 May • Trowbridge, Wiltshire
Hosted by Wiltshire Council
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10-11 May • Northallerton, North Yorkshire
Hosted by North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service
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12-13 June • Markham Vale, Derbyshire
Hosted by Derbyshire County Council
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5-6 July • Ashford, Kent
Hosted by Kent County Council
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4-5 December • Ashford, Kent
Hosted by Kent County Council
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Click here for details of all Academy training courses.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I think it comes down to how law-abiding we are individually within society Bob. Most (hopefully) don’t commit offences – not because they won’t get caught or ‘punished’ enough – it’s because they are well…law-abiding. I like to think that’s most people, but for some, the thrill of the moment outweighs the prospect of a fine, or even a ban – these are the hardcore for whom the stick needs to be bigger. Behavioural change techniques don’t work with these people therefore the ban has to be the only answer.

      Hugh Jones
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      Hugh there is no stick anymore. People will pay a fine with their credit card and what’s a mere £90 fine compared with thousands of pounds worth of debt anyway. As per losing their licences they know that any Court would be lenient if it meant losing one’s job and so there is no punishment that would dissuade them from acting in an illegal and antisocial and dangerous manner.

      Perhaps if they were to go on day courses continually then and only then maybe they would be inconvenienced enough by that fact and maybe get pressure from their bosses for lost work etc. So instead of just one one day course and that’s it, maybe there should be many of them specially designed for the recalcitrant driver to attend.

      Or maybe something like 100 hours of community service. That would cut into their social or free time and once again it may act like a deterrent but pay for a fine and points no, that no longer works for some.

      Bob Craven
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      Following on from Nigel’s thinking, especially on the ‘stick’, wouldn’t you think that once someone had been prosecuted for a motoring offence they would make the effort – having learnt their lesson once – not to do it again but no, they keep going and acquire more points which, perversely, may not be a bad thing if they eventually get taken off the road – a form of natural selection possibly.

      I’ve met drivers on 9 points and even 11 who, teetering on being banned, have not, will not, or cannot bring themselves to change their attitude and behaviour at all, which makes you wonder if some drivers are actually bothered about wanting to keep their driver’s license in the first place.

      Hugh Jones
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      A whole course on changing driver behaviour? Hmm. In my book behaviour is generated by attitude and, in this context, attitude is affected by accountability. Most do not feel accountable for their behaviour on the roads, mainly because they don’t take ownership of their own safety, and don’t understand the difference it would make if they did.

      Motorists have plenty of opportunities to take ownership on their own account but most simply can’t be bothered. And carrot based options generally do not work; only around 2% take any further interest in their driving over and above the standard driving test. So that leaves the stick.

      Crashes happen because either (1) the driver did it or (2) because someone else did it to them. In the first instance, they are generally prosecuted and any others involved feel they are totally blameless, so they are never motivated to make any changes. In the second the vast majority could be avoided by being suitably alert and paying attention. For me, and as a general rule, anyone involved in a crash is culpable to some degree. Once you start to get people to take ownership of their own safety then attitudes, and therefore their sense of accountability changes dramatically – and so does their behaviour, very quickly. So the key to changing behaviour has to be accountability which in turn generates the motivation to change.

      So, in my book, out with the behaviour change course (nice sounding title) and in with the taking ownership of your own safety course. That alone would make a massive difference.

      Nigel ALBRIGHT
      Agree (4) | Disagree (0)

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