Teresa Ciano appointed new Road Safety Wales chairperson

08.11 | 7 June 2018 | | 1 comment

Road Safety Wales has appointed Teresa Ciano, partnership manager for GoSafe, as its new chairperson.

Teresa Ciano succeeds Susan Storch, civilian road safety officer for Dyfed-Powys Police, who expanded the role of chairperson during her successful eight year tenure. Susan Storch will retain a key role within Road Safety Wales in the post of vice chairperson.

Road Safety Wales’ remit is to ‘develop and sustain cooperation and interaction between all key road safety stakeholders in Wales’.

Ms Ciano joined what was then known as the Mid & South Wales Safety Camera Partnership as a data analyst in 2005.

The partnership merged with the North Wales Road Casualty Reduction Partnership in 2009, to form GoSafe – the Wales road casualty reduction partnership.

Coinciding with the merger, Ms Ciano was promoted to operations manager, before stepping up to her current role as partnership manager.

Teresa Ciano said: “I am delighted to accept this role and look forward to working with all partners in Road Safety Wales in support of the partnership’s mission: to further casualty reduction through collaborative working.

“Wales has made great strides in road casualty reduction over the last two decades, but there is still more to be done in order to meet the challenging targets outlined in the Road Safety Framework for Wales for 2020 and beyond.”

Ms Ciano’s first engagement in her new role will come at the Road Safety Wales Conference which takes place at Llandrindod Wells on the 19 June.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Congratulations on your appointment Ms Ciano.

      Can I appeal to you to look into a problem that effects mainly two wheel road users. One that can be eradicated by simply requesting that the law is be adhered to. It is very common to ride along stretches of mud covered roads that is left there by inconsiderate farmers or farm contractors. There is no excuse for the lack of care that large dirty farm vehicles show. This disregard for other road users is causing accidents and maybe fatalities.

      While it is always prudent to approach a bend in the road with caution, we should not have to put up with actions that create situations that put lives at risk. Farming is an industry and should be required to behave like the rest of industry by following the rules and regulations that apply to it.

      It is totally illegal to contaminate the road surface.

      elliott oakes, STOKE-ON-TRENT
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