Post-pandemic road safety and the legalisation of privately owned e-scooters are the topics for the first two live sessions to be delivered as part of the 2021 Festival of Road Safety.
While the majority of the Festival content will be pre-recorded, a small number of the 40+ presentations and workshops will take place live, via Zoom, with the opportunity for attendees to question the presenters.
Participation in all Festival sessions is free of charge and open to all, but anyone wanting to join a live session will need to register in advance.
The first live presentation will be delivered by Richard Owen, CEO of Agilysis, who will look at post-pandemic road safety and explain what’s changed on the roads as a result of Covid-19.
With traffic levels back to something like ‘normal’, Richard will explore the evidence available on what the ‘new normal’ is and how behaviours may have changed. He will cover how people are using the roads, road user behaviour and road casualty risk.
Richard Owen’s presentation will take place at 10.00am on Wednesday 3 November. It will be followed by a question and answer session for attendees. Click here for more information and/or to register to attend the live presentation.
The second live session is a workshop facilitated by PACTS which will discuss whether (and how) privately owned e-scooters should be legalised.
PACTS is currently carrying out a study which aims to enhance government research by capturing collision data involving all e-scooters (both private and for hire) and understanding safe aspects of their use and construction.
This workshop offers an opportunity to learn from this study, and to discuss ways in which privately owned e-scooters could be legalised, should the government choose to do so.
The PACTS’ e-scooters workshop will take place 11.00 – 12.00 on Wednesday 10 November. Click here for more information and/or to register to attend the workshop.
Festival 2021 – a bumper line up
There will be comfortably in excess of 40 sessions delivered as part of the 2021 Festival of Road Safety. These will include keynote presentations, podcasts, workshops and an extensive Fringe programme.
All of the content will be published free to view by all on the Festival website. There will be at least two sessions on every weekday during the Festival (Mon 1 – Fri 26 November inclusive).
The Festival is once again being organised by Road Safety GB, and this year is sponsored by Jenoptik.
For more information about the Festival contact either Edward Seaman or Nick Rawlings by email, or on 01379 650112.
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