‘Allf’ promotes sustainable travel in Buckinghamshire

08.50 | 26 April 2010 | | 5 comments

Allf, a life-size ‘spiky-haired dude’, is being used to encourage pupils across Buckinghamshire to walk, cycle or scoot to school.

Allf – the new mascot for Transport for Buckinghamshire’s school travel planning team – was named in a competition for the county’s junior road safety officers (JRSOs).

The JRSOs at Newton Longville Church of England Combined School came up with the winning name. They devised the slogan ‘Always Look and Listen First’ and then used the initial letters to create the name Allf.

Jim Stevens, Buckinghamshire’s head of transport, said: “Allf will help to promote sustainable travel in schools across the county and hopefully encourage more people to leave their cars behind while on the school run.”

For more information contact Abigail Nichols on 01296 387746.



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Having managed a combined team delivering Road Safety ETP and Sustainable School Travel (SST) for the past 10 or so years I can vouch for the positive synergies; however, we have decided to transfer the SST remit to Strategic Transport Planning where it’s even better placed, enabling us to focus solely on ETP casualty reduction work. Will be interesting to see how this develops.

      Robert Smith road Safety Manager Dorset CC
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      I think Louise may have a point. I feel very nervous about road safety being marginalised by sustainable transport issues. I have heard many colleagues saying that if road safety does not “jump on the green band wagon”, RSOs will become obsolete. I am totally opposed to this view. Road Safety is a worthy stand-alone discipline that does not need other disciplines to survive. It is a sad day when RSOs feel so threatened that they enter into these coalitions in order to avoid extinction.

      Roy Buchanan. Sutton
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      Who better to promote green transport than road safety- its ideal.

      I’m not in favour really of cuddly mascots ( yes we have one as well) but I am surprised-and slightly disapointed by the comments you make.

      walk to shool promotes health, helps develop road sense, develop more as a person (actually speaking and learning) the whole school zone is safer for everyone!

      Are you a road safety officer? I would be interested to know.

      Steve Whitehouse NW
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      This is an excellent example of stakeholders in the community working together. This is a learner centered activity with the children taking part ownership of the iniative. This is another example of a very positive ripple. I am sure that the children will positively promote the ‘Always Look and Listen First’ message within their peer group.

      Messages developed and owned by key stake holders (The children are key stake holders) will stand a greater chance of travelling further. This kind of initiative shows how the principles of the EU Hermes project can apply at grass roots level.

      This kind of activity shows that we can still do really good things in the UK. A hearty ‘well done’ th the organisers.

      Mark – Wiltshire
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      Brainwashing kids with green politics is despicable abuse of public money. And why are “road safety” promoting this? It is safer to travel by car!

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