2.4m adults involved in road crash in 2012

12.00 | 8 August 2013 | | 4 comments

One in 20 adults, which equates to 2.4 million people, was involved in a road collision in 2012, according to the IAM.

The IAM has extracted the figures from the 2012 National Travel Survey, published by the DfT.

The survey also shows that men (5.6%) are more likely to be involved in a collision than women (4.8%). Of the 2.4 million involved in a road crash, around 800,000 were injured.

Overall, 5.2% of the population admitted to being involved in a crash in 2012 – down from 6.0% in 2011 and 5.9% in 2010.

Simon Best, IAM chief executive, said: “The good news is that our roads have never been safer and the headline death and serious injury figures continue to fall.

“But we still kill five people every day, and these Government figures suggest that millions are involved in minor bumps and scrapes every year.

“Car and road design have delivered a safer driving environment, but it is clear that we must all share the responsibility of reducing accidents and collisions.”

Click here to read the full IAM news release.


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    Let’S call for a no drink drive policy, the figures will soon drop and public transport will grow in turn. Win win situation all around.

    fox wales
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    Basically whether it’s police stats or any alternative such as hospital ones what we see in reality is only the tip of the iceberg. There are many more accidents that because of causation and or injury do not go reported. so whatever measure one adopts it’s not going to be absolute or totally accurate. Not all incidents are reported and not all injuries are treated in hospital. Similarly not all ‘accidents’ are reported to the insurance companies.

    Bob Craven Lancs
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    These figures look plausible and seem consistent with DfT estimates of around 800,000 injuries pa. Both of these figures are considerably higher than Police STATS19 strongly suggesting that STATS19, while great for when, where and why, are unreliable for total numbers. Therefore STATS19 cannot be relied upon for area-wide trends but, in the absence of scientific trials, can (and must as no other data available) be used for relative rates when comparing site data before and after an intervention.

    Police do an incredible amount of work in producing the STATS19 data which is, or should be, the foundation of road safety interventions but for overall trends (the sum total of all influences, both positive and negative) we really do need to be using hospital figures as the base with other data sets for cross reference.

    Dave Finney, Slough
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    Car and road design have delivered a safer driving environment…. is an extremely BROAD statement. I am sure there are many many more variables and considerations than just those two.

    I must point out though that whilst car and road design/construction have definitely advantaged the car, it has been, unfortunately, to the absolute detriment of many other road users such as anything with two wheels, be they man powered or mechanically powered.

    That is car consideration over anything else. That’s the position we are now in and it goes all the way back to the 1950s.

    bob craven Lancs
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