The organising committee for the 2015 National Road Safety Conference has issued a call for papers from anyone interested in presenting at the event.
The 2015 National Conference is being held at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham on 18-19 November. The event is co-sponsored by AA DriveTech, Colas, Pepsico and Vysionics.
127 people have already registered to attend and 12 companies have confirmed their participation in the exhibition that runs alongside the conference.
While the themes for the conference sessions have not been finalised, the agenda is likely to include:
• Presentations from senior road safety professionals (team leaders/heads of unit) explaining how they have adapted the way they deliver road safety services against a backdrop of shrinking resources and finances. Presentations may cover income generation, sponsorship/ working in partnership with the private sector, using technology to develop new ways of communicating/delivering messages etc
• A review of the safety implications of encouraging people to use more sustainable methods of travel, and initiatives to enhance the safety of vulnerable road users including pedestrians, cyclists and children.
• A review of the latest developments and innovations in road safety engineering.
In addition the main conference programme will include a ‘topical topics’ session, and as last year there will be a fringe programme for which all relevant presentations will be considered.
Anyone interested in presenting at the conference should submit a brief overview of their proposed presentation by email to Nick Rawlings. Alternatively, for more information or an informal chat contact him on 01379 650112.
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