a2om makes pre-driver education software available

12.29 | 1 April 2009 |

The ‘eLearning suite’ behind a2om’s BTEC in driving science is being released as a standalone product, to help those aged 16 years plus to develop attitudes to driving and risk-taking before they get behind the wheel.

There are two main elements to the eLearning suite: a2om mind, which includes more than 90 minutes of fully interactive, hi-resolution in-car footage and road commentary skills; and a2om highway, which covers 11 modules including attitude, motorways, safety margins, road signs and the anatomy of a crash.

Each module is fully interactive and linked with the online Highway Code for easy referencing.

The eLearning suite is available for road safety use from £10 per user if bought in bulk (normal price £24.99).

A short demo of a2om mind is available online at: www.a2om.com

For further information contact James Evans on 07809 087 137.


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