Analysts’ conference will feature ‘technical sessions’

14.04 | 14 December 2017 | | | 4 comments

Two technical sessions will form a key part of the afternoon agenda at the 2018 Data Analysts’ Conference, which the organisers hope will be ‘the best yet’.

Organised by Road Safety GB in partnership with Road Safety Analysis, the third edition of ‘Joining the Dots’ will take place in London on 27 February 2018.

Under the theme ‘Making Data the Common Language of Road Safety’, the conference will once again bring together collision and casualty data analysts and those who work in connected fields – including fire and rescue services, academic institutions and public health.

The first technical session will look at ‘Compliance and Risk’ and will include a presentation from Amy McGeehin at TfL, titled ‘London’s Risky Roads; compiling a risk value using multiple datasets’.

Other topics to be covered in this include ‘Offender profiling and the ethics of segmentation’, ‘Evidence for intelligence-led policing; what do officers need?’ and ‘Legacy sites; how to justify continued investment in camera infrastructure’.

Technical Session two, ‘Data for Evaluating Schemes’ will look at:

  • Criteria for success; what does good quality road safety engineering look like?
  • Following-up schemes and evaluating impacts; short-term and long-term views
  • Scheme prioritisation
  • Data for engineers; how can analysts help?

Other presenters in the afternoon session include Pete Thomas, professor of road and vehicle safety at Loughborough University, who will showcase ‘SafetyCube DSS: an evidence base for road safety interventions’.

Jeremy Phillips, Road Safety GB’s director of research, will close the conference with a presentation titled: ‘What does the client want? A debate on what they need, what we have and how to improve decision making.’

Jeremy Phillips said: “Road Safety GB and our conference partners Road Safety Analysis are confident that this, our third Joining the Dots conference, will be the best yet.

“Supporting analysts working in road safety is fast becoming a cornerstone of Road Safety GB’s overall agenda of enabling improved road safety performance. We know the value of their work and are delighted to support their development.

“We also appreciate the growing interest coming from data clients – those who commission road safety data analysis or who rely on it in the course of their work.

“Our aims are to help the client understand the breadth and depth of support they should expect from data analysis and how it can improve their work  – and then to help the analyst deliver on those expectations.

“To this end we are looking forward to seeing both analysts and their clients attending this year’s conference.”

Click here to find out more about the conference and here to register as a delegate.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Unfortunately I was not able to download from the link Matt however, my reference to reliable and accurate data was with regard to the the contributory factors as given in Stats 19. If the presentation you gave has already acknowledged or addressed that then at least the analysts are aware of it.
      Hugh Jones, Cheshire

      Hugh Jones
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      Hugh, at last year’s conference I presented on “the problem with KSI” and there were also presentations and other discussions around CRASH and other limitations to our data. The presentations can be found here

      While the UK’s collision data is far from perfect, it is very good by international standards. The key is understanding both the value and limitations of the data available and RSGB’s drive to support analysts undertaking this type of work is key to this and should be applauded.

      Matt Staton, Cambridgeshire
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      A discussion on how accurate the data is in the first place should be a priority for the conference I would have thought. It’s no good ‘joining the dots’ if the dots themselves are wrong or at best misleading and which can lead to wrong conclusions and inappropriate deployment of resources.

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      Another talking shop. I attended one a few years ago and learned nothing apart from the fact that everybody loved the sound of their own voices.

      We are halfway up the injury rankings yet claim the safest roads in the world due to our ‘low’ fatality count.

      Having looked into these figures, let me assure you that this death toll has nothing to do with our good driving and everything to do with our excellent ambulance service.

      Other countries do not offer the high level of road side treatment in the Golden Hour which is the difference between a full and partial recovery, life or death.

      The organisers of ‘Joining the Dots’ have asked us to clarify that the author of this post (Kevan, Southsea) has not attended a previous edition of Joining the Dots and as such the ‘talking shop’ he refers to is not Joining the Dots.

      Kevan, Southsea
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