An ‘at work road safety’ initiative developed by Warrington’s road safety team is to be rolled out nationally with the support of Highways England and RoadSafe.
The initiative, organised by Warrington Borough Council’s road safety team, targets small and medium sized businesses who operate fleets or have staff that drive as part of their daily work. The workshop is designed to raise awareness of the risks faced by businesses and their drivers.
It was launched last week (12 October) with a workshop Warrington – where more than half of all fatal road traffic collisions over the past three years have involved people who drive as part of their job.
The workshop drew on expertise from Cheshire Police and a local judge, who helped deliver the message in a role-play scenario showing what can happen to business operators who does not take their obligations seriously.
The workshop is being backed by Niall Yeldham, a HGV driver who was found guilty of causing the death of a man when his lorry collided with stationary traffic on the M62 in 2012.
Niall Yeldham said: “People who drive for work think they have the experience to deal with anything that comes at them. But it gives you a false sense of security.
“You end up taking risks that less experienced drivers would not take. Many businesses would worry more if they knew the risks some of their drivers take."
Following on from the event, Warrington’s road safety team is now offering free driver profiling assessments for businesses in the area – contact Beverley Mercer for more information.
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