Australian town becomes ‘SpeedKills’

13.50 | 18 February 2011 | | 1 comment

A small town in the Australian Outback has changed its name to SpeedKills in an attempt to increase road safety (BBC News).

According to the BBC News report, the blink-and-you’d-miss-it town called Speed, in the countryside of Victoria, is changing its name for a month hoping it will persuade drivers to slow down on country roads.

Speed is hoping to become something of a global, internet sensation with the launch of this novel safety campaign.

The idea was the brainchild of the Victoria Transport Accident Commission, which soon won over Speed’s 45 residents.

Such was their enthusiasm, that they even made a video as part of the campaign, which has already proved a hit on the social networking site Facebook.

While the campaign is running, one local resident has even agreed to change his own name. Phil Down, a local wheat and sheep farmer, will become Phil Slow Down.

It is hoped the idea will catch on around the world. Road safety officials in Victoria have already identified five towns in the United States called Speed which it hopes will support name changes of their own.

Click here to read the full BBC News report, or click here to visit the ‘Rename Speed’ Facebook page.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Well done to Mr Phil Down and the residents of the newly named town, SpeedKills. We all know, although many will not admit, that Speeding is a Criminal Offence and is anti-social behaviour at its worst. It is bullying, intimidating, aggressive, dangerous criminal driving, which has now become normal behaviour on the roads.

      How can we expect the young to respect each other, adults, teachers, authority or their environment when they see adults show such a bad example by their criminal driving behaviour and thereby showing a total disregard for other human beings or the law?

      We all need to commit and to pledge to a culture of road safety, respect, and responsibility towards every road user, and the importance of a more serious response to law-breaking on our Roads – A Zero Tolerance to Law Breaking on the Roads.

      Judith, Norfolk
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