‘Blue light’ video quashes confusion

12.15 | 23 May 2011 | | 1 comment

A new video has been launched which offers advice to members of the public on how to help an emergency service driver on a ‘blue light run’.

The five minute video – ‘Blue Light Aware’ – has been produced by the breakdown organisation and road safety charity GEM Motoring Assist. The advice is based on that offered in the Highway Code and addresses specific situations identified as causing confusion for motorists.

The video production follows a three-month consultation period in which emergency service representatives and road safety professionals were invited to provide their expert comment on how each situation should be illustrated and explained.

The finished video now has the support of the Association of Chief Police Officers, the Chief Fire Officers Association, the Driving Standards Agency, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, RoadSafe, the Motor Schools Association and the Institute of Advanced Motorists.

David Williams, chief executive of GEM Motoring Assist, said: “Our research showed that the vast majority of road users want to help an emergency service driver. The difficulties come because it is not always clear what they are expected to do in order to provide the best help. As a result, too many members of the public are putting themselves in danger, breaking the law or risking damage to their cars while trying to assist an emergency vehicle on a blue light run.

“The need for a new information video has been raised frequently in recent years. The Blue Light Aware resource, with the video at its core, has been developed to reduce confusion and doubt for motorists. We are pleased to be providing this information that we believe will act as a bridge of understanding between emergency service drivers and other motorists.”

Click here to be directed to the video.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Very interesting and well made short video that will help raise awareness of the issues around Blue Light situations particulary on rural roads.

      Bill Smith, Glasgow
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