Brake, the road safety charity, has published a guidance pack for fleets on the subject of driver distraction.
The guidance, which is free for organisations that register for Road Safety Week, includes expert advice for fleet managers and an advice sheet which provides practical tips for drivers on how they can avoid distraction.
The guidance is published alongside the results of a recent Brake survey of fleet managers focusing on how fleets are tackling this risk.
98% of fleets surveyed take some form of action on mobile phone risk, including educating drivers on the risks (58%) and banning all hand-held or hands-free mobile phone use at the wheel (28%). However, of fleets with sat navs installed, fewer than half require drivers not to adjust these while driving.
Brake is encouraging fleet managers to run activities during Road Safety Week to promote key messages about avoiding distractions while at the wheel.
Roz Cumming, professional engagement manager at Brake, says: “Distraction at the wheel can have devastating consequences. These resources highlight the danger distracted drivers pose to themselves and other road users, and give clear guidance on the steps fleet managers can take against this risk.
“I urge all companies who employ people who drive for work to demonstrate their commitment to fleet safety by taking part in Road Safety Week, and by signing up to the Fleet Safety Forum to gain access to more resources like these.”
Contact Brake on +44 (0)1484 559909 for more information.
Treat the problem at source. Head up displays for speed are fitted to some cars already (in addition to speedo) and new technology is ready to make cars capable of receiving/sending email and other internet functions. Lobby the manufacturers. You can make it impossible to phone from a car, but there is no profit in that.
Olly, Lancs
More likely to count as an indication of someone who can’t judge their speed without having to constantly look at the speedo.
Hugh Jones, Cheshire
Would constantly looking down at your speedo to check that you are travelling at less than 20mph count as a distraction?
Duncan MacKillop, Stratford on Avon