Parents and children in Hertfordshire have joined forces to produce a light-hearted film highlighting their concerns about road safety at schools across the county.
‘Don’t be a Road Monster’, funded by Hertfordshire County Council, is designed to encourage adults on the school run to drive and park responsibly, thereby ensuring the safety of pupils entering and leaving school sites.
92 children from Hertfordshire schools appear in the film which was written and produced by students from Ashlyns Secondary School in Berkhamsted with the support of parent volunteers, many of whom are professionals in the film and TV industry.
Parents, teachers and children also discuss road safety issues in a supporting film about the making of the road monster video.
Terry Douris, Hertfordshire’s cabinet member for highways, said: “This highly professional music video communicates a serious message but in an entertaining way.
“The children are asking parents and carers to think about their behaviour when driving and parking around schools in Hertfordshire and where possible to think about alternative ways of getting to school such as walking or cycling.
“The roads around our schools are becoming increasingly congested and inconsiderate and dangerous driving and parking creates and potentially unsafe environment for our children.”
The film will be used as part of a wider campaign, also called ‘Don’t be a Road Monster’, which involves Hertfordshire’s road safety and sustainable travel teams, in partnership with the county’s police and fire and rescue services and district councils, visiting schools to talk to school-run drivers about the dangers of illegal and inconsiderate parking and driving manoeuvres.
Wow I’m watching this at school and I’m in Year 8! Fabulous! #ROADMONSTER
Holly, Wakefield
What a fantastic video well done to the SSJ in schools team.
Deana Frost, Hertfordshire