Commuter Survival Guide now available for preview

15.14 | 1 September 2010 | | 1 comment

A new safety film aimed at motorcycle commuters is now online and available for preview

The Commuter Survival Guide for Motorcyclists is designed to illustrate riding techniques and reading the road skills that can contribute to bikers making safe progress through urban environments.

The new Yamaha XJ6-Diversion 600cc bike and a Piaggio scooter feature as part of the production to demonstrate the difference in machine dynamics and progression through traffic.

The film brings elements of road craft to life and utilises line drawn imagery to explore traffic and hazard scenarios from within the shoot, using the aerial perspective in particular.
The program is divided into three main chapters covering planning, positioning and filtering as well as a bonus chapter featuring a scooter run.

Nick Todd of Fused, the company behind the film, said: “Taking the bike into the city or using it every day to commute requires a different set of survival skills. Developing or honing these skills can mean the difference between making safe and quick progress or coming into conflict with other vehicles. 

“Packed full of tips, advice and reviews, this program will give riders what they need to survive the urban commute.”
Click here to visit the site – to view the footage new users will first be required to register.
For more information contact Nick Todd on 0191 383 7430.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      If the preview is anything to go by this seems well up to the usual FUSED high standard –
      look forward to seeing the finished product.

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