Commuters and employers urged to support Cycle to Work Day

12.00 | 31 August 2016 | | 3 comments

With just two weeks until Cycle to Work Day 2016, in excess of 400,000 miles have already been pledged by more than 28,000 commuters who intend to participate.

Cycle to Work Day was formed in 2013 and is organised by the Cycle to Work scheme, to encourage workers to take to two wheels and cycle to work for at least one day. The annual event takes place this year on Wednesday 14 September.

The organisers estimate that around 740,000 people in the UK cycle to work regularly, and this number is ‘growing steadily’. They hope that Cycle to Work Day will help those numbers ‘skyrocket’ to one million by 2021.

28,406 people have already pledged to participate this year, covering an estimated 441,894 miles and saving 92,777kg of CO2.

Cycle to Work Day enjoys ‘universal’ support from cycling organisations including British Cycling, CTC, Sustrans and the London Cycling Campaign, and is supported by corporates including Halfords and Forster Communications.

To help people and organisations promote and participate in the event, the organisers have produced a number of free downloads including a bike health check form, posters and information for employers explaining how they can get involved.



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      I, for one, would absolutely love to cycle the 28.2 miles to work every day. And then cycle back!

      David Weston, Corby
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      In a congested city at commuter time, each bike is potentially one less car with just one occupant, is one less car holding up all the other cars, is releasing a space for another car to occupy and at rush-hour, is probably moving quicker than the cars in the traffic queues – don’t knock it!

      Hugh Jones, Cheshire
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      Splendid idea, saving a bit of CO2. I wonder how much more CO2 would be saved if commuting by train, bus or car for more than say 5 miles were to be made illegal? Either people would have to live nearer to work, or work would have to move nearer to where people live. But how much CO2 would be saved, how many fewer accidents would there be and how much less congestion would there be?

      Robert Bolt St Albans
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