The TCC Group has helped a company which has adapted Channel 4’s Crystal Maze programme, as part of a month long road safety event for its staff.
The questions that TTC provided to the firm, Lafarge Plasterboard, are based on speed limits, road signs, road hazards, trailer towing and spot the difference. Competitors have the chance of winning a new copy of the Highway Code and voucher prizes.
Karen Barksby, business unit health & safety manager at Lafarge Plasterboard, said: “We have created four zones of home, office, factory and road with physical and mental safety related games for each subject.
“The event has got off to a great start. Thanks to the TTC Group for supplying us with all the information on road safety. Early feedback from the teams is that it has been good fun and really useful to get each team talking about road safety and all the other safety issues.”
Alan Prosser, from TCC, said: “We work with companies to improve road safety for their employees so we are always more than happy to help any firm such as those who have initiated this well devised safety training event.”
For more information contact The TTC Group on 0845 270 4363.
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