A conference hosted by the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS) on 23 May will discuss how to achieve a British version of ‘Vision Zero’.
It will also discuss the progress towards the elimination of deaths that has been achieved through the adoption of a safe systems approach in the Swedish Vision Zero and the Dutch Sustainable Safety.
The conference will consider how the UK’s approach to road safety over the next decade needs to be informed by a similar ethical approach: that where road deaths are preventable, and where the means to prevent them are identified and cost-effective, society has a moral and economic responsibility to act for the public benefit.
Click here for more information or to book a place at the conference.
I want to make a comment on the unfortunate deaths of motorcyclists on our country roads, where most twv deaths occur.
Let’s have a situation similar to other countries in Europe whereby an offender can have their plaything taken away from them so that they have to suffer a period of travelling by public transport.
If nothing else, the fear of losing their play thing for a few months, say 3 to 6 months, will act as a usefull deterrent to many.
bob craven Lancs
I look forward to reading the findings of such a paper. I hope that they include enforcement of the law in any report as well as other more pro-active contributions.
bob craven Lancs