Conference will focus on rolling out 20mph limits

12.00 | 21 January 2014 | | 2 comments

The annual 20’s Plenty for Us conference will focus on how to roll out 20mph limits.

20’s Plenty for Us says that almost 13m people live in authorities with this policy and is calling on the DfT to allow signing exceptions to 20mph which is says “would cuts costs by 50%”.

The conference, ‘Time for 20’, suggests that “the UK is transitioning to a national limit of 20mph for roads in built up areas”. 

It will include presentations, cases studies and workshops showing how to “improve the public realm, create healthy lifestyles, promote everyday exercise and reduce casualties”.

The conference is intended for public health and highways officers, transport planners, local councillors and the police.

Rod King, Campaign Director of 20’s Plenty for Us said: “We now have some of the largest local authorities and most iconic cities setting 20mph limits for most urban and residential roads. With 20% of the population now living in such 20mph places, it’s time to recognise we are transitioning to a new urban realm where 20’s plenty.

“This conference looks at current best practice and considers how to move towards a planned national adoption of a 20mph limit for most residential and urban roads.”

The conference will be held on 18 February at Camden Town Hall – click here for more information or to book a place.


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    Through the ages – Tulip Mania, Ponzi Scheme, Gold Standard. Ground Nuts Scheme, EU, ERM, euro, mortgages for those who can never hope to repay, Man Made Global Warming, Bernie Madoff (he sure did!), Speed Cameras.

    AND NOW – 2Omph default speed limit, same as in 1930 with the vehicles and brakes of those days! Truly those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad.

    Idris Francis Fight Back with Facts Petersfield
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    A comment by Eric Bridgstock was published here yesterday afternoon which, on reflection, I feel contravenes the tone and spirit of this newsfeed and as such it has been removed.

    Nick Rawlings, editor, Road Safety News
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