Drivers asked to ‘reduce your speed – please’

05.17 | 2 July 2010 | | 2 comments

Drivers in West Berkshire are being warned about their speed through a Community Speedwatch scheme.

The initiative, from West Berkshire Council’s road safety team and Thames Valley Police, is a warning designed to raise awareness of a community concern.

In three operations on West Berkshire roads, 234 vehicles were recorded having exceeded the 30mph speed limit and the highest speed registered was 57mph.

The postcode data collected indicates that more than 70% of the vehicle owner’s don’t live in West Berkshire.

Cheryl Evans, senior RSO, said: “The real power is with the community. YOU have the power to keep your village feeling safe, by slowing down to an appropriate speed and therefore slowing down anyone behind you; working in partnership at its best.”

Contact Cheryl Evans for more information on 01635 519984.


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      I recently drove through a village displaying a series of ‘Reduce Your Speed’ signs. I obeyed each one. I finally drove out of the village in first gear at about 4 mph. I feel this is an example of truly considerate driving.

      Michael Cooper
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      Congratulations to West Berkshire who have gone where Scotland feared to tread. I tried and failed to get my ‘Comma please’ campaign (Slow down, please) accepted by the Scottish transport minister’s expert group on road safety policy last year. The addition of ‘, please’ transforms the message from Nagging Parent (Stop that!) to Nurturing Parent (Whoo, careful, you might hurt yourself, or someone else). From ‘because it’s wrong’ to ‘because we care about you’.

      Steve Stradling, Manchester
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