Drivers negotiating a tricky bend in Yorkshire claim they are being dangerously distracted by a road safety poster urging them to keep their eyes on the road, according to a report in the Telegraph.
The poster, which begins, ‘Oiiiii eyes on the road’ and continues: ‘What’s so important? Concentrate on the road’, is positioned on a 90 degree corner.
It is part of a campaign by the West Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership to improve rural road safety by highlighting the issue among thoughtless drivers.
However, some drivers who use the road say it could cause accidents.
Geoffrey Williams, 44, said: "I can understand the message but surely placing a poster like this on a very difficult bend is going to cause someone to crash? Surely for this message to get across people would have to read it?
"However, to do it on this bend is even more of a nonsense. It is notorious round here, there is a difficult camber to negotiate and it’s very tight so if you even glanced up it could be a problem.
"When I first drove past it a few days back I was stunned. It is ridiculous. If someone reads the small print, which is the point of the message, they could plough into someone coming the other way. It’s an accident waiting to happen."
Steve Thornton, chair of tthe West Yorkshire Safer Roads Partnership, said: "This campaign aims to raise awareness of driving issues caused by loss of concentration and being distracted by factors inside and outside the vehicle.
"At the end of this month-long campaign many more people will understand the importance of maintaining a focus on their driving"
Click here to read the full Telegraph report.
Which just goes to show, basic warnings and basic visual pleasures are sufficient.
Derek Reynolds, St Albans
About 20-odd years ago, possibly more, an advert was placed on the huge billboard at the south side of Vauxhall Bridge in Central London. It was on the north bound exit from the notorious Vauxhall Cross One-Way System. The advert promoted Gossard’s new product, the Wonderbra, and showed a gorgeous model wearing the new cleavage enhancing lingerie. Road safety protesters were livid and demanded its removal. The consequent survey on collision figures at the location showed no increase. The advert stayed and resulted in a rise in the number of male drivers smiling benignly at the wheel.
Roy Buchanan, Sutton.