‘Cycle Savvy Driving’ and communicating with Year 7 pupils are the focus for today – plus you can catch up on all week one content.
Friday 5 November sees two very different Festival fringe pre-recorded presentations.
At 10.00, Benjamin Smith from The Bikeability Trust will present Cycle Savvy Driving, a trial project delivered by the Trust on behalf of the DfT, which is designed to address the current lack of cycle awareness learning resources for Approved Driving Instructors (ADIs) and learner drivers.
ADIs play an invaluable role in helping the next generation of drivers to understand, communicate and cooperate with people who cycle.
Cycle Savvy Driving provides resources ADIs can use for their own professional development and while teaching learners. Supported by the DVSA, the AA and ADI membership bodies, it presents a unique opportunity for ADIs nationwide to take part in research that will shape the future of the training in this space.
The final presentation of the week (14.00) will feature John and Denise Billington from Room 9 Media, who will be sharing their experience and expertise in communicating with Year 7 pupils in a style which is both contemporary and relevant to their own experience.
Year 7 are especially vulnerable road users and can be a challenge to reach with effective road safety messages. This presentation will cover topics including: choosing relevant content and approach; employing a visual style which appeals to pupils and accurately reflects the diversity of the participants; and considering the benefits and limitations of both digital and printed material.
Catch up on week one
All eight of the presentations delivered so far in Festival week one are available to view free of charge and by all on the Festival catch up service.
Weeks 2, 3 and 4
The programmes for the Festival weeks 2, 3 and 4 can be viewed here – by clicking on the links on the right hand side. All of these sessions are subject to final confirmation in terms of dates and timings.
- Click here to receive daily alerts throughout the Festival.
The 2021 Festival is being organised by Road Safety GB and sponsored by Jenoptik. For more information contact either Nick Rawlings or Edward Seaman by email or on 01379 650112.
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