GEM video promotes safer, more comfortable journeys for seniors

12.00 | 25 August 2015 | | 1 comment

GEM Motoring Assist has published a free video to help older drivers and their passengers enjoy a more comfortable experience on journeys by car.

The eight-minute video, presented by Peter Baker, was produced in consultation with Westminster City Council and Wessex Driveability. It was funded by Westminster City Council and the GEM Motoring Assist Road Safety Charity.

The film looks at how the process of ageing can affect the ability to get in and out of the car, or drive around safely and in comfort.

David Williams MBE, GEM chief executive, said: “Most of us suffer the occasional ache and pain as we get older, leading to stiffness and reduced visibility. This video offers a few ideas that should make car journeys a bit easier and more enjoyable again.

“We look at whether your car is as suitable for your needs and circumstances as it once was. Since for most of us, the cost of changing cars is likely to be prohibitive, we also demonstrate inexpensive but safe devices that can reduce the discomfort associated with getting in and out, loading heavy luggage, turning your neck or fastening your seatbelt.

“At GEM, we want to help every driver stay as safe as possible for as long as possible. All the ideas in the video are designed to make it easy for drivers to adapt to the sort of physical changes that happen to most of us, whilst ensuring that we are always in full control of our vehicle on every journey.”


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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Well made video. Contains a lot of useful information. However, one of the signs of old age is the ability to think not quite as fast as when young and so the Space is Safe campaign can help there by advising older drivers to keep a better and further and therefore safer distance, so if something ahead happens they have more time to ascertain or decide if it’s of any consequence and then if it is to slow or stop to avoid an incident.

      Bob Craven Lancs…Space is Safe Campaigner.
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