Global Road Safety Week will focus on pedestrian safety

12.00 | 1 August 2012 | | 4 comments

Pedestrian safety will be the focus of the second UN Global Road Safety Week (6–12 May 2013).

In May 2011, the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 was launched in more than 100 countries, with a goal to prevent five million road traffic deaths by 2020.

The theme for the second road safety week was chosen as pedestrians constitute a major group at risk of death, injury and disability on the road, and are among the most vulnerable road users.

The week will focus on drawing attention to the need for pedestrian safety; generating action on measures which work to increase pedestrian safety; and achieving the goal of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 to save five million lives.

Governments, with support from civil society, academia, the private sector and the international community, are all encouraged to plan and host national and local events during the 2013 UN Global Road Safety Week.

Click here to for more information.


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      Once again it seems someone didn’t take the time to carefully read what has been stated. There is plenty of hard evidence about the benefits of pedestrian training, especially through early years and into Primary School (I will state again…KERBCRAFT). Just because I haven’t produced a website calling everyone who doesn’t agree with me a ‘fanatic’, doesn’t discredit the research of others.

      This is perhaps evidence of some people being eternal ‘nay sayers’.

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      Once again it seems (in comments) a liking for vague, non-specific, unquantified feel-good ideas, but a strong dislike of hard evidence. Surely it should be the other way around?

      Is this another example of what one writer called “cognitive dissonance” but I have long recognised as the “My mind is made up, please do not confuse me with the facts” syndrome?

      Idris Francis
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      I guess the way forward is to highlight the vulnerability of pedestrians during the Global Road Safety Week and during the rest of the year through the dedicated Road Safety Staff and the projects they undertake……

      That comes through early years pedestrian training programmes and later primary school work focussing on attitude and risk.

      Just because you are in a 20mph zone or you are in a 30mph zone and the driver is or isn’t speeding, doesn’t mean a pedestrian is not responsible for themselves. That could be taught when their used to be Road Safety Teams in Local Authorities (kerbcraft etc), but I doubt you will get many children or teenagers reading the finer points of a report on safety cameras or 20mph schemes.

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      My research touches on pedestrian casualties.

      I have found that 2% of pedestrians killed or seriously injured involved a car exceeding a speed limit. Obviously that means that 98% were killed or seriously injured when drivers were at or within the speed limit (see 1.7).

      I have also found that “Pedestrian failed to look properly” is the 5th contributory factor in KSI collisions at 15.2%. That is surely very surprising. Remember that’s 15.2% of ALL collisions, not just those that involve pedestrians (see figure 10.1).

      And we also see very worrying results for pedestrian injuries in areas where speed limits are reduced to 20mph, although that isn’t on my website.

      So what’s the way forward?

      Dave Finney – Slough
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