Government moves to strengthen mobile phone laws

10.56 | 19 October 2020 | | 2 comments

The Government has set its sights on closing a legal loophole and making activities like taking photos and playing games on hand-held mobile phones illegal while driving.

At present, it is a criminal offence to use a hand-held mobile phone to call or text while driving, but not for other actions such as taking photos – despite the obvious dangers.

The Government says drivers have escaped punishment due to a legal loophole where such actions aren’t seen as ‘interactive communication’, and therefore do not fit the current definition of the offence.

Following a review, a consultation has been launched to ‘bring the law into line with modern technology’ – meaning drivers caught taking photos, playing games or scrolling through a playlist behind the wheel will be breaking the law.

Under the new plans, an exemption will apply to contactless payments, if a vehicle is stationary, and if goods or services – such as a takeaway meal – are delivered immediately.

Ministers have also rejected calls to go further by banning the use of hands-free functions – drivers will still be able to continue using devices ‘hands-free’ while driving, such as a sat-nav secured in a cradle.

Baroness Vere, roads minister, said: “Our roads are some of the safest in the world, but we want to make sure they’re safer still by bringing the law into the 21st century.

“That’s why we’re looking to strengthen the law to make using a hand-held phone while driving illegal in a wider range of circumstances – it’s distracting and dangerous and for too long risky drivers have been able to escape punishment but this update will mean those doing the wrong thing will face the full force of the law.”



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    Order by Latest first | Oldest first | Highest rated | Lowest rated

      Following on from Robert’s comment… I frequently used an ‘old fashioned’ hand held dictaphone to record my reports and letters when I was clocking up high mileage driving in a previous occupation.
      I wonder if the changes to cover the modern technology and applications will also ban some of the old technology?

      Pat, Wales
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      Does this law apply to traditional ‘old fashioned’ cameras or only to camera phones?

      Robert Bolt, St Albans
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