Home Office updates SCP uniform standards

12.00 | 9 October 2012 | | 2 comments

New School Crossing Patrol (SCP) uniform standards have been introduced by the Home Office and adopted by Road Safety GB as the recommended standard and best practice.

The updated Home office circular 3/1989 requires the new standard uniform to be worn from 1 April 2015, but jackets supplied by the three leading SCP uniform suppliers – Keltic Clothing, Bristol Oilskin and King Scientific – already conform to the new standard.

Richard Hall, Road Safety GB specialist with regard to the SCP service, said: "Approval of a new standard has been a long process, but one that was necessary to bring the legal standard for School Crossing Patrol uniforms up to date.

"The long lead in time will enable local authorities to spread the cost and gradually bring their uniform to this standard – if they are not already using it – as part of their normal replacement programme."

Louise Bennett, Keltic Clothing, said: “School Crossing Patrols do such an important job for the community, and we very much welcome this update which now gives the proper protection to the people who protect our children on the roads.”

The new standard is:
A knee length outer garment with full-length sleeves, consisting of no more than two fluorescent colours covering the whole outer area of the garment (but may include non fluorescent trimmings, which are strictly defined as the collar and pocket flaps). The garment shall be certified, by a Notified Body, to the highest Class of standard for High Visibility Clothing currently which is Class 3 or future ISO 20471 equivalent. The garment is to include a retro-reflective tape configuration of at least two bands on the torso and one 50mm band, not greater than 300mm from the hem of the body.

A peaked hat or alternative headwear for religious reasons.

Where the duties of a School Crossing Patrol are undertaken by a Police Officer, Police Community Support Officer or Traffic Warden, the uniform for that officer as determined at the time by the Secretary of State.


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      Could you please tell me if you should have two coats supplied

      thomas mcdonagh Armagh NI
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      Could you tell me if there is a legal requirement/standard for the Poles ie what depth (cm) the red line/edge around the outside should be please

      Julian Duncan – Scotland
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