Following on from the 2017 National Conference, when there was a passionate discussion as part of the Question Time session, this session will ask whether ‘Safe Drive, Stay Alive’ style interventions change behaviour and save lives.
- Sean Bone-Knell, National Fire Chief’s Council Lead for Road Safety & Director of Operations, Kent Fire and Rescue Service
- Dr Jami Blythe, Client Support Executive, Sintons Law Firm
- Dr Neale Kinnear, Principal Psychologist, Transport Research Laboratory
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Opening statements
Sean Bone-Knell
There is a place for this education – it has a future.
Partnership approach – not just fire services
Incredible powerful productions – emotional message, hearing from people with first-hand experience
Next steps – improved coordination and research
Partner – not a competitor
Jami Blythe
Engaging for a hard-to-reach audience
Motivation – what behaviour going forward?
Through storytelling – children frequently able to relate
Use of real stories, instead of fiction, is key
Neale Kinnear
No evidence these interventions save lives
Some short-term positive attitudinal shifts reported – but longer term mixed
Why do we have use fear appeal? Successful in that – but not successful in changing behaviour
Not here to bash these interventions – but we need a broader perspective
Can you give evidence where you have seen sustained behaviour change?
JB: individuals remember the stories and make decisions with that in mind.
SB: there will always be people who think it works, and those who don’t
NK: too many anecdotes – encouraging but not evidence
Is there a role for such presentations in engaging with schools/pupils?
NK: Lets engage with children in a way which is evidence led
Could it be used to address active travel issues?
JB: an interesting idea, but what people who walk/cycle can do to stay safe is much less
SB: car drivers/passengers should be a key focus
NK: need to look at young people in a holistic fashion
Have you considered that these initiatives caused harm?
JB: one of our foremost considerations – not seen any evidence of it
SB: One of the key issues – but personally, no
What do we do going forward?
NK: lets work together to design an intervention with evidence, change the approach
JB: Is there a better alternative?
SB: Next step is to look for a single package
Results – can Safe Drive, Stay Alive style interventions work?
Pre-debate: Yes: 47% – No: 18% – Not sure: 35%
Post-debate: Yes: 37% – No: 39% – Not sure: 24%
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