The road safety teams in Central Bedfordshire and Luton are taking a humourous approach in a new video campaign to drive home safety messages to young drivers and passengers.
The videos, created by Road Safety Analysis and titled ‘Not if I’m driving’, contain short, humorous messages about issues including peer pressure, speeding and using a mobile phone when driving.
The six videos are being released in pairs during October, December and March. The first two, ‘Not if: speed dating’ and ‘Not if: I’m emotional’ are live on YouTube and the campaign website. There will also be a Facebook campaign further down the line.
Councillor Brian Spurr, Central Bedfordshire Council, said: “We want to use humour, rather than the shock tactics often employed, to help cut down those killed or seriously injured on our roads each year.
“Between January 2010 and December 2013, young car passengers accounted for 48% of all road casualties within Central Bedfordshire and Luton, and young car drivers accounted for 31% of casualties.
“These figures really aren’t funny, but we wanted to take action and produce a campaign that we thought could have a real impact. The topics – dating, speeding, tweeting while driving – are all subjects that resonate with this group of people.”
Councillor Dave Taylor, Luton Borough Council, said: “The videos are tongue-in-cheek but reveal an important message. What we hope people will do is share the messages on social media – but not while you’re driving, of course!”
For more information contact Michelle Watkins at Bedfordshire Highways on 08453 656 204.
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