Entries are being sought for the 2019 Northern Ireland Road Safety Awards, which recognise the contribution of those who have improved road safety in their communities.
Now in their fifth year, Northern Ireland’s Road Safety Awards are organised by Road Safe NI and sponsored by accident management specialists, CRASH Services.
The 2019 awards ceremony takes place at Cultra Manor, Belfast on Friday 22 November – as part of Road Safety Week 2019.
Individuals, organisations and special projects from across the voluntary, education, emergency service and business sectors are being encouraged to enter – with 10 categories on offer.
The closing date for entries is 31 October – with more details available via the Road Safe NI website.
Pat Martin, chairperson of Road Safe NI, said: “We were delighted with the outstanding success and feedback received from the Awards over the last four years.
“We now look forward to emulating that with our 2019 nominees. It is vitally important that we properly recognise the hard work and commitment that goes into helping keep our roads safe.”
Tony McKeown, director of CRASH Services, said: “As a business with close connections to road users we are pleased to be supporting the NI Road Safety Awards again.
“The call is now out for nominations, so whether you are involved in a scheme yourself, have benefited from an initiative or know someone who has spearheaded road safety in your area, these are the awards for them.”
The full list of categories is as follows: Education, Lollipop Person, Driving Instructor, Emergency Services Person, Voluntary Sector Person, Voluntary Sector Group. LGV/HGV Sector, Public sector, Business Sector and Lifetime Achievement.
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