The role that interlocks can play in reducing drink driving, and improving mobility for an ageing population, will be two of the topics discussed at The National Road Safety Conference 2012.
Dr Andrew Clayton’s presentation will look at the role interlocks can play in reducing drink drive collisions.
Dr Clayton, of RSN Associates, has been a member of the Accident Research Unit of the University of Birmingham, and a specialist adviser to a House of Lords Committee investigating blood alcohol levels for drivers. He also project managed a DfT-funded field study into the usefulness, acceptability and impact on lifestyle of alcohol ignition interlocks, and in 2007-08 he undertook a worldwide review into the use of interlocks.
Naomi Baster, policy and research officer at the Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety (PACTS), will present findings from a report about older drivers published by PACTS earlier this year. The title, ‘It’s my choice’, reflects the main theme of the report: helping older people to help themselves, so that they can make better, safer, well-informed choices. PACTS believes that driving should be made as safe as possible for as long as possible, through increased awareness and self-assessment and a national standard course available to all older drivers.
Naomi’s presentation will explore the demographic changes in the UK before going on to discuss safety and mobility, and bringing the two together in policy.
The cost of attending the two-day conference starts at £85 per day for day delegates and £295 for residential delegates.
Click here for details of the agenda and other confirmed speakers, or click here for more general information about The National Road Safety Conference 2012.
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