Living Streets is asking the new coalition government to back a new campaign by ‘committing to transport and planning policies that could transform street safety.’
The campaign, ‘100 days of new government’, wants more done to increase pedestrian safety.
Living Streets, says: “Safer streets mean that more parents would allow their children to walk to and from school, getting used to their local environment and improving their health through exercise.
“Lower speed limits are needed to reduce the number of casualties in road accidents. In Hull, where a 20mph limit has been introduced to 188 zones over the last five years, overall injuries have declined by 60% and child pedestrian injuries have declined by 75%.
“Support from like minded individuals, associations, community groups, charities, politicians and transport/planning professionals is vital to make our case to the government.”
Click here to find out more about the campaign or contact Adwoa Baah on 020 7377 4900.
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