‘Kill The Conversation’ on mobile phones: GEM

12.00 | 4 December 2013 | | 3 comments

GEM Motoring Assist has produced a new video to educate drivers on the risks, fines and penalties associated with using a mobile phone while driving.

GEM has produced the resource to mark the 10th anniversary of the ban on using a hand held mobile phone while driving, and to support Brake’s ‘put it in the boot’ campaign.

GEM points to DfT stats which it says show that “with reaction times of mobile phone users up to 50% slower, drivers are four times more likely to crash if they use a mobile phone at the wheel”.

The charity also cites research from ROSPA which shows that drivers who use a hands-free or hand-held mobile phone are more likely to fail to see road signs, feel more stressed or frustrated, fail to maintain proper lane position, and react more slowly, take longer to brake and longer to stop.

David Williams MBE, CEO of GEM Motoring Assist, said: “With so many accidents caused by careless drivers using their phone at the wheel, it’s time for this legislation to be taken seriously.

“The volunteers in our ‘Kill the conversation’ video were all surprised to discover just how dangerous it can be to call or text while driving, which is why we are advising all motorists to turn their phone off when at the wheel to avoid any distraction. Surely no call is as important as the safety of yourself and others while on the road?”


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      I have made GEM Motoring Assist aware of your comments.

      Nick Rawlings, editor, Road Safety News
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      In addition to my earlier comment. The free downloadble leaflet that they have produced also refers to a £60 fine.

      Rebecca Leeds
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      Hi I’ve just had a quick look at the video and unfortunately within the first minute of the clip it says that if you get caught using a hand held phone you risk getting a £60 fine and 3 points…… I’m not sure that we should be signposting resources which contain incorrect information. It is a shame though as I am looking for a visual resource that highlights the dangers of using phones whilst driving…..

      Rebecca Leeds
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