THINK! scoops Prince’s Premier Award

12.00 | 11 December 2013 | | 4 comments

The THINK! team was awarded the Premier Award at the 2013 Prince Michael International Road Safety Awards‘ ceremony for its contribution to reducing drink drive casualties.

Prince Michael Awards are presented to individuals, companies and organisations in recognition of their outstanding contribution to improving road safety.

The Premier Award is given to the outstanding winner each year, and was presented to the THINK! campaign team by Prince Michael at the awards ceremony in London on 10 December.

Robert Goodwill, road safety minister, said: “Ideally no one would drink and drive. Sadly, even though the majority of drivers are sensible enough not to do it, there are still some who do.

“But the number of road casualties caused by drink driving has fallen significantly since records began in 1979 and three decades of THINK! campaigns, alongside enforcement by the police, have played an important part in raising the public’s awareness of the risks of drink driving and have ultimately saved lives.

“This award recognises the excellent work the THINK! campaign team does year in, year out in thinking of new and innovative ways of reinforcing the same message and reminding drivers of the risks of climbing behind the wheel after a drink.”

Congratulating the THINK! team on its achievement, Prince Michael said: “Public education plays a vital role in changing the behaviour of road users. The Government’s THINK! campaign has become a well-recognised brand; among government public information campaigns it stands out and is as highly respected in the advertising industry as it is in the road safety world.”

The award recognised that despite running for more than 30 years, the THINK! drink drive campaign continues to evolve and seek innovative ways to communicate with its target audience in the most effective and efficient way possible.


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    Recent discussion with a senior police officer and DfT staff confirmed that if the Christmas anti drink drive campaign stopped people would think the problem has been solved.

    Peter London
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    It also seems to me that a lot is done at this time of the year, as can be seen by the number of drink driving efforts on this site since October or early November.

    We are all aware of the problem, as are the general public, but when it is only brought to mind and police action taken at this time seems somewhat futile when the offences are happening thoughout the year.

    Seems peculiar when the police can put so much effort into one thing at a specific time of the year and not have the manpower to do it throughout the rest of the year.

    bob craven Lancs
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    Which risk are we asking drivers to evaluate? The risk of having an accident, or the risk of getting caught?

    The ‘Think’ TV advert with the barman who plays the different characters plumps down firmly on the risk of getting caught side of the argument, or rather the results of getting caught, but what exactly are the risks of getting caught and especially getting caught before the driver manages to have an accident?

    I would suppose that even in their well lubricated state a drunken driver would evaluate the risks of being caught as being pretty close to zero otherwise they wouldn’t do it.

    Perhaps it might be time to change the message a bit to show just how easy it is for the Police to spot a drunk driver and that no matter how hard they try, a drunk driver cannot disguise the fact that they have had a few. Changing the perception of the odds being against to the odds being on would go a long way towards reducing the number of drunk drivers on the roads.

    Duncan MacKillop, Stratford on Avon
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    I would think that after thirty years of endeavour there would be no more drinking and driving casualties.

    Looks to me like education alone doesn’t work and the sooner this government has the guts to say no more alcohol, zero tolerance… and that is supported by a long period of the police enforcing the law, and the judiciary imposing maximum penalties – and also let’s scrap and crush the car or whatever vehicle.

    Let’s stop pussyfooting around and placating the do good brigade – it hasn’t worked. I believe the public deserve better protection than is presently available.

    Bob Craven Lancs
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