FirstCar announces new ‘FirstBike’ magazine

12.00 | 13 January 2014 | | 3 comments

FirstCar has unveiled plans for a new magazine, FirstBike for young powered two wheeler riders, which will launch in April 2014.

James Evans, publisher of FirstCar, said: “With FirstBike magazine we are looking to build on the success of the Young Driver’s Guide.

“FirstBike is aimed at PTW and 125cc riders between the ages of 16 and 25 years and the first issue will be published in April 2014 – a month after the 2014 edition of the Young Driver’s Guide.”

The cover shown here is not be the actual cover of the launch issue, but a mock up to give road safety officers an idea of the look and feel.

In addition to launching the new magazine, FirstCar and Road Safety GB have agreed a new partnership arrangement through which road safety teams will be able to receive a discount for early orders of both the 2014 Young Driver’s Guide and the first issue of FirstBike. Full details of this new arrangement will be announced later this week.

For more information about FirstBike magazine contact James Evans on 0845 130 8853.



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      i wait to see what is actually on the front cover. I have seen many photographs of motorcycles in many motorcycle publications, even when the article relates to road safety they are not supported by the photo which may show some idiot in the wrong position on the road and they defend it by saying it’s publishers licence or required for aesthetic reasons. To my mind it still sends out the wrong statement or message and a picture as one knows is better than a thousand words. One needs care when influencing the young.

      bob craven Lancs
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      Thank you for your comment Bob. As I’m sure you read in the article, the cover visual is just a mock-up to give RSOs an idea of the ‘look and feel’ in terms of design and layout. We will be shooting a bespoke cover image as we do with all our titles, but as I’m sure you can appreciate, when looking through stock-photography to produce a mock-up, the choice of images are limited. Hence why I was eager to stress in the article that it should be take a with a pinch of salt. We have a reputation for producing quality young driver education magazines spanning over 10 years, so all those things you mentioned will be taken into account with the actual cover.

      I think it’s important to note, however, that whilst we don’t want to promote irresponsible riding or PPE, the cover image is critical if we’re to be credible with our target audience and I would suggest that a rider wearing all the gear you suggest may not be relatable to those we want to pick it up and read it. Better to engage and influence some positive behaviour change than alienate our readers at first glance.

      If you would like to speak further about this then please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

      James, Publisher – FirstCar, FirstBike none Ultimate Guide to Cycling
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      And what do we see on the cover of the First Bike magazine? A nubile attractive young lady wearing what? An open face helmet (which contributes to facial injuries instead of a full face) a tight open necked jacket presumably with no CE protection, a pair of jeans (need say no more) no gloves .. will lose the skin on her fingers if she comes off, and what look like fabric plimsolls. She is not quite an advert for safe riding.

      Nice one First Ride. I hope that they have a picture inside demonstrating what to wear as opposed to what not to wear.

      PS: Where is the day glow…. conspicuously absent.

      bob craven Lancs
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