LRSC unveils ‘zig zag’ resources

12.00 | 16 September 2014 | | 1 comment

The London Road Safety Council (LRSC) has produced a series of resources to remind drivers not to park on the yellow zig-zag markings outside schools.

The campaign is in response to figures published by the insurance giant AXA earlier this year.

Councillor Val Clark, chairman of the LRSC, said: “We were shocked that research undertaken by AXA Car Insurance found that the number of fines for parking on these markings has almost doubled in the last two years, and gravely concerned that only 17% of the drivers (who were) asked knew that stopping on these markings is banned during the marked times of operation.

“Now that pupils have returned to school, we want to remind drivers that they must not stop on the zig-zags. They provide a crucial area of inter-visibility between drivers and child pedestrians who are completely hidden by parked cars.

“Sadly, feedback from schools suggests that many of the drivers stopping on the keep clear marking are parents of children at the school.”

The LRSC’s suite of resources includes: a ‘faux’ parking ticket that tells parents why they should not park on the markings; a promise to be signed by parents undertaking not to park on the markings; a key ring to remind them of the pledge they have made; and a leaflet explaining why the campaign is being delivered and the importance of walking to school rather than driving.



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      As stated it’s an offence whilst parking/stopping between the time indicated on the signage. Unfortunately in the majority of instances there is no signage and so it is not an offence.

      I can’t understand why, if the local authority is going to the trouble and expense of putting down no stopping/parking zig zags they don’t do the job properly and put signage up. Seems to make no sense not to. Then get the police and or the support worker to take action against offenders.

      bob craven Lancs
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