Norfolk driving instructors urged to tell the ‘honest truth’

12.00 | 28 August 2015 | | 4 comments

Driving instructors in Norfolk are being urged to help deliver the ‘honest truth’ as the county’s police force and road safety team become the latest to join the campaign of the same name.

The Honest Truth project is designed to equip driving instructors to teach young drivers to identify and negate bad habits such as speeding, using mobile phones, showing off to friends or getting behind the wheel under the influence of drink or drugs.

The Honest Truth was originally set up in South Devon in 2009 following a fatal collision which killed three young people. The campaign is now also running in Cornwall, Wiltshire and Swindon, Dorset, Essex, Somerset, Staffordshire, Cumbria, Nottinghamshire, Kent and was launched in Hertfordshire last month and Shropshire earlier this month.

Iain Temperton, Norfolk County Council’s road safety team leader, said: "Norfolk’s road users are very fortunate to be supported by a focused, energetic and effective casualty reduction partnership.

“With this latest scheme we are inviting approved driving instructors to join the partnership and work with us to reduce the number of young people killed and injured on our roads.

“By using The Honest Truth resources they will be best placed to pass on crucial messages about responsible behaviour and safe attitudes to an audience who are already in the learning environment."

Chief inspector Chris Spinks, head of roads policing in Norfolk and Suffolk, said: "Because of the time instructors spend with them (young drivers) in tuition and the relationships they build, it makes perfect sense to offer them training and material to provide advice on road safety which can make a real difference.

"It is important to drive those messages home at the crucial time before these young people take to the roads on their own."


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      Bob, the vast majority of qualified driving instructors (ADIs) in this country are self employed and so have no fears of ‘those above’.

      Andy, Warwick
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      I would like to think that I am telling the truth but unfortunately I am not a qualified driving instructor who relies on others above him for his job and or position. His or her livelihood may be compromised if they dare knock the system whereas I have nothing to lose.

      If I was to say that the Bible of motorcycling the Roadcraft book has still some mistakes that have caused injuries and deaths to many motorcyclists would you believe me.. I think not. But it is the truth in my eyes. It’s got it wrong on two matters, one is overtakes and the other bends and that’s where the greatest numbers of incidents on country road continually happen.

      Bob Craven Lancs….Space is Safe Campaigner
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      I would urge you to go along to a presentation of The Honest Truth if you get the opportunity. There is much to be said for the idea, and I am confident that you would come away with a positive opinion of its aims.

      David, Suffolk
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      I take it that they mean the honest truth as they see it, and not necessarily as it really is?

      Idris Francis Fight Back With Facts Petersfield
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