‘One risk is too many’, says new TfL campaign

12.00 | 10 November 2015 | | 4 comments

‘One risk is too many’ is the message from a new TfL campaign which attempts to make drivers realise the consequences of bad decisions.

The ‘One Risk’ campaign, produced by the advertising agency M&C Saatchi, includes an ‘interactive’ film which invites users to test their decision-making prowess with a selection of conundrums.

TfL says the average person makes 35,000 decisions each day, and the campaign encourages road users to appreciate that although many of these decisions are minor, making a bad one just once on the road is one risk too many.

The campaign says whether it’s driving too fast, checking your phone or pulling out at a junction, all it takes is one bad decision to change a life.

Miranda Leedham, head of marketing operations at TfL, said: “Much like drink driving is now sociably unacceptable, careless and dangerous road behaviours need to be considered in the same way.

“It only needs one person taking one risk to affect so many lives, and if this campaign ensures a single road user thinks twice, it will be worth it.”

Luke Boggins, creative director at M&C Saatchi, said: “The opportunity to change road user behaviour with creative work is one we relish working with TfL.

“The simplicity of the ‘One Risk’ campaign will resonate with everyone who’s told themselves they only behave dangerously on the road the odd time or once.”


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      The most common bad decision, and one not as yet recognised as such, is not to give sufficient space to yourself and other road users. Driving too close to other vehicles is a recipe for disaster, and many of the incidents that do occur can be stopped or reduced dramatically with the giving and receiving of safe space between drivers and vehicles.

      If more space was the norm between vehicles then a simple mistake, a distraction or other circumstance that might take the driver’s eyes or mind off the task of driving, might not result in a crash. The event mitigated by the increased distance given between vehicles.

      Its unfortunate but there is evidence to prove that drivers, even advanced drivers, are not taught what the safe stopping and driving distances are at relative speeds, and that to my mind is the cause of so many incidents. If this mistake was corrected in training manuals then would be far fewer incidents.

      Bob Craven Lancs…. Space is Safe Camp[aigner
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      Nobody makes bad decisions, only decisions that turn out to be bad after the event. It’s called the local rationality principle and forms the bedrock of all human factors study.

      Duncan MacKillop. No surprise – No accident.
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      I think you are correct Derek. The film asks a series of questions of the reader so there is an element of dialogue, but it’s not really ‘interactive’ in the true sense of the word.

      Nick Rawlings, editor, Road Safety News
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      I see the message, but not any interactivity.

      Derek Reynolds, Salop.
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